Our Solution
Fat in this area is highly resistant to diet and exercise. We’ve seen ultramarathoners, Army Special Forces, competitive body builders who just can’t seem to get it off. This is an area we love to sculpt away because of the impact it makes both in contour and in confidence.
The Treatment and Recovery in Short
The treatment takes 1-2 hours and the results are immediate. By the next day, you will take off your garment and see significant difference. We’ll provide compression garment that hides easily under your clothing. You’ll need to wear it for at least 3 weeks. You may have swelling in the first few weeks, but keep the compression on and you’ll see the swelling go down in a month or two. The tiny scars usually disappear so you don’t look like you’ve had anything done.

Real Before and After Male Lipo
The results you see in our gallery were performed by our surgeon alone and were not altered in any way. You will see that his results are some of the best you will find anywhere in the world. This is just a small representation of Dr. Miller’s work in abdominal liposculpture, but your results will be designed specifically for you.
The Difference
Curated precision instruments in combination with finely honed techniques create gentle removal of unwanted adipose tissue while preserving the healthy tissue
Instruments used during traditional liposuction are typically larger and bulkier. There is no intermediate step preparing the fat for selective removal. It’s similar to using a large crayon versus a fine-tipped pen.
Because there is less damage to healthy tissues, there is less pain and therefore no need for general anesthetics.
The larger, more aggressive cannulas can cause more damage to health tissues which can cause pain that requires general anesthesia to manage.
Preserving healthy tissues and elimination of the anesthesia risks, protect against complications.
The combination of collateral tissue damage and the risk of anesthesia significantly increase morbidity and mortality.
The preservation of healthy tissues reduces post-treatment pain, reduces bruising, and speeds the healing process.
Damage to healthy tissues can cause excessive swelling, bruising, and injury to muscles, causing severe postoperative pain and prolonged recovery.
With greater precision, the areas of the body can be sculpted to the desired shape and prevent contour irregularities like lumps and waviness caused by skin and muscle damage.
The relative lack of precision of traditional instruments and techniques make it much more difficult to achieve optimal results.
Learn More About liposculpture:
What to Expect: The Treatment Process for Flanks and Waist Reduction
Great outcomes begin with the moment you meet the doctor. Dr. Miller will evaluate your problem area and determine the best course of treatment. If you are a candidate, he will use your expressed desires to direct the rest of the treatment process.
Mapping your Body for Optimal Results
Just before your treatment, Dr. Miller will place surface markers so he can mentally visualize your three-dimensional anatomy throughout the treatment process. This allows him to make precise adjustments to further refine and optimize your results.
The Treatment
After the area is completely numb, the Dr. Miller uses a small laser fiber to deliver fat melting energy to the area. It is during this second step that the skin tightening treatments come in. See 3D Sidefire. The fat is then removed and the area is sculpted to its optimal shape.
Tri-Contour Process
Step 1: Ensuring Comfort
Numbing fluid is infused into the fat through tiny openings in the skin. This ensures that the area is completely numb and protects the healthy tissues for the remainder of the treatment.
Step 2: Gentle Melting
The Smartlipo Triplex Laser is used to gently "melt" fat and stimulate collagen production, allowing the skin to tighten over time.
Step 3: Gentle Elimination
Finally, the liquified fat is removed using the MicroAire™ power-assisted liposuction system, which facilitates increased control and precision when contouring the area.
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