It is important to recognize that for all medical procedures, including the procedures performed at Renewal Body Contouring, individual results and experiences may vary.
A case study in long-term results with HiDef
– individual result may vary
A common question I hear from men considering HiDefinition Liposculpture is “How long do the results last?” and “How do I maintain my results?” As with any other investment, knowing how things will perform for you long-term is an important factor in making a decision.
Today, I was surprised by a visit from a man who was a patient of mine almost 4 years ago. Before coming to me, he had always maintained a healthy diet and a consistent fitness routine, but he grew frustrated with his inability to improve his abdominal definition.
Before seeing me he had undergone laser lipolysis using Smartlipo, but he experienced only a minimal reduction in fat and could see no noticeable change in his abdominal definition. I performed HiDefinition Liposculpture on his abdomen under awake local anesthesia, and his postoperative course went well.

I’ve included his before and after pictures taken approximately 4 days after his procedure. As you can see, prior to his procedure, his definition was blunted by the layers of fat that go untreated during regular Smartlipo.
Today, he asked if I wanted to take a look at the areas. I was happy to see that his results were just as good as after he underwent the procedure.
I asked him about the diet and exercise routines he used to maintain his results:
“Just the same as before. I’ve always maintained a low carb diet, and though I’m busy with work and life, I still find a couple of days a week to get to the gym”.
I was also curious about how his results had changed things for him, especially in terms of his confidence:
“Dude, my definition is intense. I get a lot of attention on the beach now, and the girls I date are about 10 years younger than they were before [the surgery]”.
* individual results may vary
I asked if we could take a few pictures to give men an idea of what things look like after a few years, and so he agreed to allow us to use these pictures.

As you can see, he has done well in maintaining his results. The oblique line and the linea alba lines as well as the tendinous insertions have remained (all are components of the six pack). He has also maintained the dynamics of his definition that coincide with engagement and relaxation of his core.
I appreciate his allowing me to share his story and his pictures. I do consider HiDefinition Liposculpture an art form that will continue to require mastery of the most advanced liposuction techniques.
I enjoy it—not just for how it changes a man’s appearance almost instantaneously, but also for how it changes the way men face the world every day.